Design Services Offered

~Decorating Services~

Virtual Consultation:

Do you just need an hour to ask questions, get advice, and collaborate ideas? Jaclyn can speak with you a variety of ways (virtually), via Skype, via email, or over the telephone to discuss your specific design needs. ($50.00/hr)

Virtual Design Plan:

After receiving your photographs and measurements of your room to be decorated, Jaclyn will provide you with a professional design plan based on your room size. This design plan will include a detailed list of all the items purchased for the room and a collage of photos of items used in the design plan. Upon completion, this plan will then be emailed to your email address. ($150.00)

Color & Furnishing Consultation:

If you are having trouble picking out paint selections or furnishings for your room, let Jaclyn help you. Jaclyn can offer suggestions on paint colors, draperies, and wall coverings based on your specific design needs. ($50.00/hr)

Mural Design:

If you are interested in having a mural painted for your childs room, Mary Howe is a well-qualified muralist that can perform those services for you. (Please contact us for prices)

Full Service Interior Decorating:

This option provides you with the following: Initial Consultation (Either in person or virtual), Color and Furnishing Consultation, Design Plan, Mural Design (if requested), installation of all furniture, draperies, accessories, and a final walk through. (Price based on individual design plus hourly designer rate)

~Custom Furniture Refinishing Services~

Precious Little Spaces Custom Paint Colors:

Precious Little Spaces has a variety of custom paint colors that we have created just for you. The custom paint colors are great for small touch ups or paint jobs on items around your home, or on pieces that you have purchased from Precious Little Spaces. ($20.00 per small can)

Furniture Makeover: 

Bring to us your favorite furniture piece that needs to be "made over". Pick the paint color of your choice from a variety of Precious Little Spaces Custom Colors and we will paint and refinish your furniture piece for you. (Price varies per furniture item)

Custom Furniture for Sale: 

Precious Little Spaces refinishes and sells a variety of furniture and decor pieces which can be found on our website under "Catalog".

Custom Furniture Shopping Especially for you:

Can't find the finished furniture piece you are looking for on our website? Send us an email with a detailed description of the item you want refinished for your room (as well as a small deposit so we can shop and hold the item(s) for you) and we will shop for your item and custom paint it especially for you. We also from time to time showcase unfinished furniture on our website that can be purchased and customly paint specifically for you. (Price varies per furniture item and paint color selection)

Please visit my website at for more information on our pricing OR feel free to send me an email on the contact page of my website. Look forward to talking to you!!!